The board of trustees consists of three members elected by the council. They and the grand knight, who serves as chairman, comprise the board of trustees. They oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The board of trustees and the deputy grand knight serve on the councils retention committee. During council elections, a Trustee is elected for a term of three years. Only the three-year trustee is voted on, with the others moving on to become two-year and one-year trustees respectively.
The Trustee's jewel consists of Axe bound by Fasces and Crossed Swords, suspended from a green ribbon. Trustees, like Roman Magistrates, generally carried the Axe and Fasces as a sign of Authority. The Crossed Swords represents his authority to enforce everything. The Trustee’s ceremonial officer robe is black, trimmed with green. He wears a green cincture with silver fringe.