The road to my diaconate formation started over 40 years ago, upon meeting Jacquie at California State University, Fullerton. While dating, I was introduced to the Catholic faith through her and her family and this very community. In a short couple of years, I became a Catholic in full communion. Jacquie and I have been married for 37 years and have 4 children, JJ, Jeena, Julia, and Justin. We have been members of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for over 40 years, and it is our home. Over those years, our family has been involved in various ministries in our parish and abroad. While transitioning from a career in law enforcement to retirement, I was sensing a call to serve. Jacquie and I prayed asking the Lord where He wanted us next, and we wanted the message clear. In a short period of time, the priests here at St Joseph asked me to discern the Diaconate Formation program. Jacquie and I felt this may be the message God was sending us. We spoke to our children, and they were excited about answering such a calling and supported the both of us following God’s will. This was the beginning of our Diaconate formation journey. Over the course of 5 years, we attended many biblical study classes, learned Christology, Mariology and other “ology” classes. We wrote many papers, and participated in jail and homeless outreach, and hospital ministries. It has been a life-changing journey. We kept the words of St. Padre Pio close “Pray, Hope, Don’t Worry!” The Rudy Family wants to extend our sincere thank you to the St. Joseph Clergy, the Staff, my family, and all the St. Joseph’s parishioners for their support and prayers. Blessings on you all. Jim Rudy and Family