Today (March 18, 2019), Fr. Miguel, Michael Spillman, Jerry Cates, Deacon Ken, and our architecht met with the construction board at the Diocese of Orange. This is the next step toward beginning our restroom renovation project. The current timeline has our restroom renovation project tentatively set to begin in early fall of this year. We are continuing to grow our construction fund so that we are able to complete the other phases (Baptismal Font, New Choir Location, and Children's Dismissal Room) through our PSA campaign. To date, we are so very thankful to announce that we have received
489 pledges for $258,113.10. We are just 56 pledges away from our 2019 pledge goal of 545 and only $6,886.90 away from our financial goal. Thank you to everyone who has made a prayerful pledge to this effort. Please continue to pray for the success of our campaign, a smooth construction process, and in thanksgiving for this great gift our Parish has received. Prayerful stewardship is an outward sign of our faith in action!