The Knights of Columbus, St Joseph Placentia, Council #10287 select the Legaspe family as Family of the Month for September. Jesus and Lolita were born in Yahualica, Jalisco, Mexico. They were married in December 1987 and became members of St. Joseph Parish in June 1993. Both have been involved in several different Spanish Ministries over the years. Jesus has been a ministry assistant in the Rite of Baptism. Lolita has taken several courses at the Institute of Pastoral Ministry and has been the Coordinator of the Spanish Charismatic Ministry of our Diocese of Orange for eight years. At St Joseph Parish, Lolita has been involved in the following Spanish Ministries: Faith Formation, Baptism Team, RCIA and Sacristan for our Spanish Masses. The Legaspe Family has been involved for many years giving of their time and talent to the Ministries of St. Joseph Parish.
The Knights of Columbus instituted the “Family of the Month” Program in 1978 to create a greater awareness of our many fine Catholic families. Since that time the “Family of the Month” Program has grown to be one of the Order’s most successful. St. Joseph Council began its own Program to recognize and honor the outstanding Catholic families in our parish. At the beginning of each month, the Knights of Columbus will select a Family of the Month and present them a statue of the Holy Family to display in their homes for that month. Included in the presentation is a certificate and a prayer to the Holy Family by Pope Francis. The Family of the Month is requested to gather together daily as a family and pray for the intentions of St. Joseph Parish.